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The Morays are frequently thought of as particularly vicious or ill-tempered animals. In truth, morays hide from humans in crevices and would rather flee than fight. Morays are shy and secretive, and attack humans only in self-defense or mistaken identity.


Hawaiian name: puhi

Moray eels (Family Muraenidae) make up one of the largest families of bony fishes in Hawai‘i, with more species (over 40) than any other fish family than perhaps the wrasses (Family Labridae). Their abundance cannot be truly appreciated because most species are small and remain well hidden within the reef. Research has show that the smaller eel species represent a large percentage of the fish population on Hawaiian reefs. Moray eels are true bony fishes with bodies highly modified to suit their life style. The elongate head bears a large, gaping mouth and tube-like nostrils. The mouth is held open so that water can be pumped over the gills. The gill cover is reduced to a small hole for streamlining and protection of the delicate gills. The elongated muscular body of the eel lacks paired fins (pectoral and pelvic fins) seen in other fishes, allowing the eels to move more easily within the narrow crevices of the reef framework. The dorsal (top), anal (bottom), and caudal (tail) fins remain as fleshy ridges, covered with thickened skin to protect them from abrasion. Lacking paired fins, eels swim by moving their entire body side to side in a S-shaped wave. Using this wave pattern an eel can move forward or backward, an important advantage if living within the narrow holes of the reef. The scales have either been lost completely or are buried within the skin.

Morays lurk in holes and crevices in rocky areas or on the coral reef. During the day, often only the head is visible at the entrance to its shelter, but most eels are never seen. They usually emerge at night to search within and over the reef for prey which they locate using a keen sense of smell. They often prey on inactive diurnal species that are resting within the reef framework at night. There are two major groups of moray eels in Hawai‘i, differentiated by the kind of prey they are adapted to take. Eels that feed on fishes and soft-bodied invertebrates like octopus have elongated heads and long, fang-like teeth for grasping their soft-bodied prey. Their teeth curve backward so that once captured, prey cannot escape and can be moved more easily backward for swallowing. Eels that feed on hard-shelled prey like crabs and molluscs have blunt snouts and pebble-like teeth for crushing their prey. Most Hawaiian morays are not more than two feet (61 cm) long, but a few species may reach six feet (1.8 m) in length. While armed with formidable teeth, most moray eels are not usually aggressive and will not attack prey larger than themselves. When approached by a swimmer or diver, most eels either disappear into their shelter, or open the mouth wide in a defensive posture toward the intruder. While unprovoked attacks on divers have been reported, most eel bites occur when divers place hands or feet too close to the eel's shelter area. Bites from fish-eating morays produce ragged wounds that are prone to infection, due to bacteria living in the eel's mouth. The razor-sharp teeth can inflict muscle, tendon, or nerve damage if the bite is serious, and such wounds should be given immediate medical attention.Puhi figure prominantly in many traditional Hawaiian legends and stories and were also prized as food.







TEL: (808) 256-8956




Hawaii Souvenirs and Gifts

Hawaii Green Sea Turtle Shirt

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Hanauma Bay Oahu Hawaii Turtle Poster

Hawaii Posters

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    Hawaii Green Sea Turtle (Honu) Luggage Tag           


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 Hawaii Green Sea Turtle Luggage Tag


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 Hanauma Bay Hawaii Turtle & Islands


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                                                                                       Hanauma Bay Turtle Shirt


                                                                                      Hawaii Green Sea Turtle Shirt


                                                                                        Hanauma Bay Hawaii Shirt


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                                                                                           Hawaii Islands Shirts


                                                                                Hawaii Green Sea Turtle Post Card

CANCELLATION POLICY: A minimum of 48 hours notice is required to cancel any reservation. A full refund will be paid on any reservation canceled prior to this minimum notice. In the event of dangerous weather or ocean conditions, we may cancel your tour, you may choose to transfer your activity to a later date or receive a full refund.
